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Advisory on New “IGS” Offers an Improved Connection between India and the UAE
Advisory on New “IGS” Offers an Improved Connection between India and the UAE
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eCommerce Manage Shipment - Import Shipment Overview (Excluding North America)
<5 December 2022, Singapore> Ocean Network Express (ONE) will launch our latest
eCommerce feature, Import Shipment Overview, that strives to deliver the following services
to our customers:
- Import shipment Dashboard - Information such as Arrival notice readiness, Payment &
Invoice availability, Manifest and Surrender information will be easily accessible from the dashboard.
- Simple and user-friendly design with 24/7 access to information
- Self-service: Print, Email and Chat services for ease of accessibility
eCommerce feature, Import Shipment Overview, that strives to deliver the following services
to our customers:
- Import shipment Dashboard - Information such as Arrival notice readiness, Payment &
Invoice availability, Manifest and Surrender information will be easily accessible from the dashboard.
- Simple and user-friendly design with 24/7 access to information
- Self-service: Print, Email and Chat services for ease of accessibility
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